COPYRIGHT © 1967, 2008, 2020 by Stephen B. Karpman, M.D. All rights reserved for Drama Triangle, Karpman Triangle, Karpman Drama Triangle, and and similarities. All articles and Transactional Analysis relationship concepts are original and copyrighted on this website and published in: Eric Berne's 1960's San Francisco "Transactional Analysis Bulletin;" the post-Berne "Bulletin of the Eric Berne Seminar;" the quarterly ITAA "Transactional Analysis Journal;" my books A Game Free Life with two DVDs sold on this website and the book Collected Papers in Transactional Analysis, both books also sold on Amazon, and three published online articles with the European TA Journal, Type names into Search and Archives.
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PERMISSIONS. Please use the email link at left to get written permission. I will prefer that the standard triangle be drawn equilaterally and not flattened across the top (for theoretical reasons), with the Victim point down for theoretical reasons and continuity; my name and title (M.D. not Ph.D.) spelled correctly and the Drama Triangle not attributed to others. In our email exchange I will ask to see the text and the diagram to be used and how it will be used. Feedback with the author is welcome. Thank you.
The original Drama Triangle article:
Karpman, S. (1968). Fairy tales and script drama analysis. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 7(26), 39-43, (reprinted on this website and in my book Collected Papers in Transactional Analysis).
The first comprehensive book on the Drama Triangle:
Karpman, S. (2014) A Game Free Life: The New Transactional Analysis of Intimacy, Openness, and Happiness: San Francisco. Drama Triangle Publications. ISBN-13: 978-0-9905867-0-8.
The recent book of 35 papers and notes of collated published and unpublished papers:
Karpman, S. (2019) Collected Papers in Transactional Analysis. San Francisco. Drama Triangle Publications. ISBN-13: 978-0-578-22156-4.
Please see 30 additional articles on this website at and
and three 2019 articles---find by Search and Archives at |